Epoch Saga

the third time,

–the time I didn’t get all up on—

I packed light.

Left accessories lyin’ in the Wardrobe, and

booked a different route

Bypassing yellowed brick

–potted with rabbit holes–
I mapped a different trail,

by air,


and rail, skipping


Nana’s house,

and City Green, all,

to venture

completely outside Wonderland county

–witch is bigger than you’d think

considering it’s just a story high–


Marooned 5

–less the howls—

en route,

and helped a fellow castaway

this third time out,

I burned carbs, instead of leaving

crummy souvenirs,

sent those

“eat me” cakes to the lab,

abandoning ‘hood

(but keeping kicks)

and that alone

helped me fly write

steered me to a different path,

with less pixie dust,

sweeter blood,

and thoroughly

tempered uneven.

About Charron's Chatter

I bring to you an arrow, whole, Use it, or break it, But if you choose to take it --Know-- With it also, I will go. © Karen Robiscoe @1992

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