Tag Archives: Santa Barbara Solstice Parade; Alameda Park Festival; Karen Robiscoe;

Santa Barbara’s Summer Solstice Celebration & Festival: 2012

This Saturday is the second day of Solstice Celebration in Santa Barbara. Probably elsewhere, too, I imagine, but SB’s the best place to celebrate the sun’s extended summertime schedule, and I’m not just barking at the moon. Tens of thousands agree.

Art imitating sun initiates fun

Noontime finds a crowd some 100K strong coursing through the heart of downtown, gathering along sidewalks, storefronts, fence posts and balconies lining the parade’s imminent path. The theme this year is ostensibly: “Fantasy”, and though it isn’t officially noted on the event’s website, a few tank-mates from “Finding Nemo” have found their way into the mix. A nod to our coastally situated community, no doubt.

Fantastically Sunny–

–but Squid-tastic, too!

The cited 100K figure only accounts for the audience. More than 1000 will participate in the parade itself, while hundreds of artisans, craftsman, vendors and musicians festoon nearby Alameda Park. An arc of balloons crests the park’s northeast corner, while bunting, bandstands and booths line its in-between borders, and it’s a good thing. The bowers lend shade to the appropriately named: Alameda Park Festival, the parade’s ipso facto “after-party”, and the diversity of vendors on hand guarantees treats for of all ages. Continue reading